Review the PSA with your lawyer.
Prepare your Cover Page (example).
- Identify the parties and Key Terms: Effective Date, Rights in Deliverables, Governing Law and Courts.
- Note: for Rights in Deliverables, you must specify if Deliverables will be provided as Licensed Deliverables or Assigned Deliverables by default.
- Propose any Additional Terms (example).
Incorporate any Attachments by reference.
Send your Cover Page (and Attachments) to your counterparty.
- Add a cover note or try our Explainer.
Negotiate the Cover Page and Attachments.
Sign the Cover Page and create your Agreement!
Issue or receive SOWs (example).
FAQs for the PSA
Why are you on Version 1.2 of the PSA?
- We released Version 1.2 of the PSA to improve how we use a defined term after user feedback. You can see the specific changes in the Version History. You can read more about updates to our Standard Agreements generally here.