Bonterms Help Center

Create a Deal Template

A Deal Template is a configurable template that sets your preferred Key Terms, Acceptable Alternatives and any Additional Terms for a particular Standard Agreement. Each Deal Template is associated with an Entity Block and designated Signer.

You can have more than one Deal Template for any particular Standard Agreement type.

Note: You can always change the Signer on a per-Deal basis.


How to Create a Deal Template

  1. Navigate to the Deal Templates page in the left navigation.
    1 Nav to DT.gif

  2. Click on Create on the top-right corner of the Deal Templates screen. Select which agreement template you want to create.
    2 Click Create.gif

  3. In the Template Builder, enter in a Template Title and (optionally) add an internal description.
    3 Template Title.gif

  4. Drag and drop an Entity Block from the righthand side of the screen. 
    4 Entity Block.gif

  5. The Party Information will pre-populate once you've selected the Entity Block. However, you are able to change any of this information if necessary. 
    5 Edit Party Info.gif

  6. Designate your Deal Team for this template. Add any Reviewers, Approvers or Viewers to your Deal Team every time this template is used.

  7. In the Deal Settings Section, determine if you would like to turn on Auto-Approval and/or Lock Template. 

    Auto Approval 
    allows your Organization to bypass the Approval Stage if your Recipient agrees to your initial proposals or selects an Acceptable Alternative.

    Lock Template prevents Users from modifying the Deal Template prior to sending out a Deal in the Preview Deal screen.

    Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 2.59.43 PM.png
  8. Optionally add in a Default message to your Recipients. This feature pre-populates a message that your Recipient sees in their email invite and in the Platform. Users can still modify or update the message prior to sending out a Deal.

  9. In the Key Terms section, you will define the necessary terms for the Standard Agreement. You will be able to set your desired option as well as Acceptable Alternatives. 
    6 Key Terms.gif

  10. Additional Terms will allow you to drag and drop more terms that are found in your Playbook or Create a new Term.
    7 Additional Terms.gif

  11. Upload any Attachments (if applicable)

  12. When finished, click on Create Template on the top-right.

  13. You have now created a new Deal Template. 




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