Bonterms Help Center

Sending a New Deal

Note: You must have a Paid Account to be able to send out Deals.

  1. Click New Deal on the navigation bar.
    1 Click New Deal.gif

  2. Select the appropriate Deal Template
    • Can't find the Deal Template you're looking for? Create a new Deal Template (Supervisors or Admin only) or contact someone on your Legal team.
    • The Owner will automatically be set to you. 

  3. Fill in the three required fields: Counterparty (Name of the company you are sending the Deal to), Recipient Name (name of the person you are sending the Deal to) and Recipient Email. You can optionally add CC'd Recipients - learn more here.

  4. Click Preview Deal. Double-check to make sure everything is correct. 
    • Need to change the Counterparty information? Click the 'Edit' button and correct the information you need to update.
    • Want to make an Edit to Key Terms, Additional Terms or other elements of the Deal Template for this particular Deal? Use Edit deal. 

  5. Add a Comment to your Recipient (optional).
    • Adding a quick personal note may greatly increase the chance your Recipient will click to join the Deal.

  6.  Click Share Deal.
    • A notification will confirm  "Deal was successfully created and shared with [COMPANY]." Click Done to dismiss the message.
      3 Preview Deal.gif



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