Bonterms Help Center

Resend a Deal or Send a Magic Link to your Counterparty

Note: Only for Paid Accounts.


In Guided Review or Approval Stage:

  • When a Deal is in the Guided Review or Approval Stage, you can send an email reminder to your counterparty via the Bonterms Platform.
  • Navigate to your Dashboard and find the Deal you need to re-send or send a reminder to your Recipient.
    • Click the three dots on the right-hand side.
    • In the dropdown menu, select “Resend”.
  • This will generate an email notification to your Recipient to get them onto the platform and to your Deal.

Re-Send a Deal.png


Generate Magic Link:

  • If you would prefer to send a direct link to your Recipient from your own email address, you may do so by finding the Deal on your Dashboard. In the dropdown when you click on the three dots, find "Share via Link".
  • This will create a Magic Link that you can then send directly to your Counterparty.


In Signature Stage:

  • If a Deal has reached the Signature Stage, there is no further action needed by either party on the platform, the last step is to sign the Cover Page.
  • If your counterparty has not yet signed the Cover Page and you want to send a reminder, you should do so by sending a reminder via your e-signature provider.
    • If you Resend a Deal from Bonterms when a Deal is in the Signature Stage, your recipient will get a link to bring them into the Deal, but there is no further action they can take within the Bonterms Platform.

Pro Tip: Set up and configure your e-signature provider settings so that the system automatically sends reminder emails when the Deal is not complete. To do so, navigate to the Settings page within your DocuSign account (the account you connected to the Bonterms Platform), and go to the “Reminders and Expirations” page under “Signing and Sending”.

  • Set your preferences for “Days before sending first reminder” and “Days between reminders”.

DocuSign set a reminder.png

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