Note: This feature is only accessible for Free and Paid Accounts.
This article covers the Team settings section of the Bonterms Platform settings panel. For more information on any of the other settings, see the Settings Overview.
This section allows you to manage your Organization's team, the users that you want to empower to work as a member of your Organization on the Bonterms Platform. You can then assign them the appropriate User Type to operate within your Organization.
Invite a User (Individually)
- Click on 'Invite User' on the top, right hand side of the Platform
- In the modal that appears, enter the email address of the user you would like to invite.
- Set the User Type Permission that you would like to give them.
- Click 'Send Invite'
Invite a User (Bulk)
- Click the Generate New Invite Link button
- Click the Copy Link button to copy the URL
- Send the URL to the people you want to invite to your team
- They will then be prompted to create an account (Note: using this method will default these people to a 'User' permission level)
- Once they finish creating their account, you will be able to re-assign or update their User Type
Updating a User
- Find the user you want to update
- You can change their User Type by clicking the drop down and selecting a different User Type
- You can also update their permissions on a more granular level by clicking the table row for their user. You can then update individual permissions for them, even if they're set to a predefined User Type.
- Click Update Profile.
Receive a Request
- If a user within your Organization tries to create an account on the Bonterms Platform without being invited by an Admin or Supervisor, they will be prompted to 'Request to Join Organization'
- To manage/view these requests, an Admin/Supervisor can toggle to the 'Requests' tab within Team and either confirm or deny access for those requests.
Revoke Access
If there is a user that you no longer want to have access, just revoke their access by:
- Find the user you want to revoke
- Click the kebab menu at the end of the row for that user
- Click Revoke Access
- You will now find that user in the Revoked tab