Bonterms Help Center

Cover Pages Overview (Settings)

Note: This feature is only accessible for Paid Accounts.

This article covers the Cover Pages settings section of the Bonterms Platform settings panel. For more information on any of the other settings, see the Settings Overview.

Note: This is not where you update the Key Terms, Additional Terms or Attachments of a Cover Page - that is modified in the Deal Templates page.

You may customize the default language that appears at the top of each section of a Cover Page as follows: 

  1. Go to Settings/Cover Pages. 
  2. Choose the Standard Agreement Cover Page type to modify.
  3. Click 'Edit' on the top, right-hand side of the page.
  4. A blue box will appear around all of the editable and customizable sections of the Cover Page.
  5. Once you are done with your edits, click 'Save'.


1. The liquid tags of {{Sender}} and {{Recipient}} are only functional within the Heading/Title of the Agreement (where they appear by default).

2. Any edits you make to this default text will appear in all new Deals going forward for that Standard Agreement type, but will not affect any completed, sent or in-process Deals. 

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