Bonterms Help Center

Deal Roles

Deal Roles set the permissions Users have on a specific Deal.

(Platform User Types are permissions Users have more generally on the Bonterms Platform)

Deal Roles

(You must have a Free Account or Paid Account to use the Deal Team function.)

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Owner: controls all activity on a Deal, including moving between phases of Deal Flow (Guided Review, Approval and Signature). An Owner may invite new Deal Team members.

Action to End Turn: During Guided Review: Review Summary and Send to Counterparty. During Approval:  Move to Signature.

Changing the Owner: Ownership may be transferred to another User via the Deal Team button at the top of a Deal in Guided Review.

Reviewer: may provide comments and suggest actions to an Owner within Guided Review.

Action to End Turn: Finish Review. This returns the Deal to the deal Owner, not to the Counterparty. Only the Owner can Send the Deal back to the Counterparty.

Reviews are Optional: Unlike Approvals, reviews are optional. An Owner may Send a Deal back to the Counterparty without a review being completed. 

Approver: has authority to approve a Deal during Approval stage. 

Approvals are Required: If an Approver has been assigned, their approval must be given before the Owner may progress the Deal to Signature or the Approver must be removed.

Removing Approvers: A Supervisor may change or remove an Approver during the Approval stage or through the Deal Team button. 

Signer: a user or individual designated to sign the Cover Page for a Deal.

Changing Signers: Signers may be changed through the Deal Team button.

No Signer Designated: If no Signer is assigned to a Deal, the Signer will default to the Signer specified in the Entity Block of the Template.

Viewer: has view-only access to a Deal. 

Setting and Changing Deal Roles

Template Level: Deal Roles may be assigned to Users when creating a Template

Per Deal: Deal Roles may be assigned or changed for a particular Deal during Deal Flow using the Deal Team button.



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